Thursday, October 15, 2009

oh hmm

I'm realizing I really need my husband in my life. (duh?  ha)  :P
He's gone this week ~business in Canada.
Usually, I'd anticipate these times alone. Sounds cruel, but it'd be so nice to stretch out diagonally on the bed at night; to skip meals if I didn't feel like cooking them or to make them if I did; To leave piles of stuff all around and not bother to clean them up cuz I sure didn't care if they were there.
But not this time. It must be a work God is doing in me. Removing me from the highly independent world of *Me* and allowing me to bask in and also desire the *Us* that is.

The week was just so darn Beautiful. You know the kind I mean? The leaves so crunchy and friendly as I strode over them running. Coming back to a cozy apartment, piling up blankets into a living room fort, lighting candles & sipping tea in my childly delightful "cave;" Eating oatmeal banana pancakes, lots of them, with pure maple syrup drizzled on top: lovely.

My heart is falling in love with Life all over again, and I want to share it with someone. Not just anyone. *Him.* My special one. The one chosen to spend the rest of these days with me.

And a puppy. Or kitten. Or baby. Yes him~ and one of them, whichever *He* or God chooses to give me. Haha. Another day for that story.

Oh life. Oh love. Beauty all around. See it?